At Whittaker Moss, education is about learners experiencing the joy of discovery, solving problems, being creative in every area of the curriculum; developing confidence as learners and maturing physically, socially and emotionally.
This school will combine high standards with a varied, exciting curriculum. Education will be the fusion of excellence and enjoyment. Learners do better when they are excited and engaged and when there is joy in what they are doing. Then they learn to love learning.
Literacy, mathematics and ICT will be the backbone of our children’s success in learning. We will build on our strengths to serve the needs of our children using the skills of everyone in the school.
This school will drive its own improvement, set its own challenging targets and recognise that for the sake of our children, we can always do better. We work collaboratively with other local schools and work together with common aims under a common banner whilst retaining a sense of autonomy and uniqueness.
Everyone at Whittaker Moss will have high expectations and set high standards for themselves and others. All will be treated fairly and listened to. All will have the opportunity to take responsibility, build their self-esteem and develop their self-confidence.
We will build a partnership with parents by giving good information and seeing them as partners in the education process.
We will provide activities outside school hours to extend and enrich learning.
The headteacher will put into place effective systems for quality assurance self-evaluation that in school will promote high standards of behaviour by teaching positive behaviour to all learners.
We follow Rights Respecting principles and believe that all children have rights, but alongside those are responsibilities.
This will be a welcoming, friendly, bright and lively, happy place where children feel secure, where good behaviour is expected and where children positively enjoy growing up.